Our Mission

Mission of

Jai Triveni Jai Prayag Seva Samiti

At Jai Triveni Jai Prayag Seva Samiti, our mission is deeply rooted in serving humanity and fostering spiritual growth. We are committed to fulfilling the following objectives:

  1. To globally acclaim the divine and magnificent Aarti ceremonies conducted at the Sangam area.
  2. To serve the pilgrims visiting Prayagraj and ensure their spiritual journey is enriched.
  3. To extend our services to the vulnerable elderly, disabled, and differently-abled individuals in the Sangam area.
  4. To operate the Shri Triveni Bhog Anna Kshetra, providing food for those in need in Prayagraj.
  5. To selflessly assist and support pilgrims visiting Prayagraj and aid them in their worship.
  6. To provide education and support for the daughters of economically and socially disadvantaged families in Prayagraj, including assistance with their marriages.
  7. To continue the tradition of cow care and protection, which has been upheld by the samiti for several years.
  8. To facilitate self-employment opportunities for youth and ensure employment availability.
  9. To impart education on Vedic rituals and traditions to young Hindu children.
Our Motive

Helping People

In addition to our core objectives, Jai Triveni Jai Prayag Seva Samiti is committed to fostering harmony and inclusivity within our community. We believe in celebrating the diversity of our society and embracing individuals from all walks of life. Through our various initiatives and programs, we strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Furthermore, environmental conservation holds a special place in our hearts. We recognize the importance of preserving the natural beauty and resources of our sacred land. As stewards of Prayagraj, we undertake initiatives to promote sustainable practices, protect local ecosystems, and raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship among our members and the wider community.

At the heart of everything we do lies the principle of seva, or selfless service. We are driven by a deep sense of compassion and a desire to alleviate the suffering of those in need. Whether it’s providing food for the hungry, education for the underprivileged, or care for the elderly, our ultimate goal is to uplift and empower individuals to lead dignified and fulfilling lives.

As we continue on our journey of service and spiritual growth, we invite you to join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Together, let us embody the spirit of seva, embrace the teachings of our faith, and work towards building a more compassionate and harmonious society for generations to come. Jai Triveni! Jai Prayag!